What’s the difference between open-cell and closed-cell insulation?

Closed Cell Foam insulation completely blocks out air, so it becomes very hard and rigid after application. This makes it exceptionally capable of temperature regulation, preventing air leakage and fluctuations in moisture. The solidification of Closed Cell also adds to the structural stability of the surface it is applied to, adding additional strength to your walls and ceilings.

Open-cell insulation is a great air barrier, and the nature of the open cells makes it a great insulation material for sound dampening. Open-cell insulation also requires less volume to fill walls and ceilings due to its ultra-low density profile.

How long does it last?

When it’s applied properly, spray foam insulation will last as long as your building. Even Roofing Foam applications will last upwards of 30 years, with proper long-term maintenance. Spray foam insulation adheres extremely well to virtually all construction surfaces and maintains its specified level of rigidity once it dries.

Does spray foam insulation really improve my building’s energy efficiency?

Spray foam insulation is a great tool for regulating your building’s temperature, which leads to energy bill savings throughout the years.

It keeps warm air from escaping during the winter, holds cool air inside during the summer, and keeps your building’s individual rooms at regulated temperatures, reducing hot and cold spots.

Open Cell Foam, Closed Cell Foam and Roofing Foam, all provide high R-values and act as efficient insulation. R-values measure the thermal resistance of insulation, with higher numbers indicating the material is more resistant to heat passing through it, making it a better insulator.

All of this means that your heating and cooling systems won’t have to work as hard to regulate your building’s temperature, using less energy and saving you money on your bills.

Is spray foam insulation a good investment?

Even though insulation is a regular step in any building’s construction or renovation process, it shouldn’t be overlooked. Choosing to go for insulation that’s only price-focused could actually end up costing you more money in the long run, as you’ll pay more in energy bills and potentially rework.

Choose an insulation product that will start delivering you great results from the beginning and will hold up with the lifetime of your building. Choose spray foam insulation. Beyond saving energy bill money over time, it’ll help ensure your building is exceptionally quiet, comfortable, and structurally sound.

Another differentiating benefit of spray foam insulation is the fact that you’ll probably never have to worry about reapplying it in the future. Other kinds of insulation require maintenance, while spray foam can last up to a lifetime from its initial installation. This means that what you pay up-front will likely be your total cost.

What are the (2) types of spray foam?

Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is a much more dense, hard and rigid foam with an R-value of 6.8 per inch. It is often used in attics with metal roofs, attic floors, exterior walls, crawl space sub-floors and metal sheds. As with all foams, the airtight barrier that is created is what prevents dust, pollen, mold and mildew from penetrating the envelope. The tiny cells in this type of foam are literally “closed off” making it impervious to air and water. Once applied this foam expands to 20 times it’s liquid volume. It’s performance is superior to commonly used fiberglass insulation because of it’s ability to adhere to nearly any building material and it’s ability to provide a continuous barrier against air and moisture infiltration. The results of using closed-cell SPF are a cleaner environment, greater noise reduction, and substantial energy savings. Additionally, Closed-cell foam has been shown to increase building strength and wind resistance up to 300%.

Open-Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is an extremely lightweight soft foam with an R-value of 3.8 per inch. It is often used in attic roof-lines, exterior walls and basement ceilings. It can also be used as a sound barrier for theater rooms, bathroom and plumbing pipes. In attics, open cell is highly recommended for it’s performance due to the thickness, air sealing and insulating properties of the foam. At an average of 5.5 inches (R-value of 21), open cell foam applied to the underside of the roof decking will eliminate radiant heat from affecting the indoor temperature and HVAC unit performance. Basically, it keeps conditioned air inside the home/business while preventing un-conditioned air from entering the structure. On average your attic temperature should not see more than a 10-13 degree difference from the living space below it.

Which type of spray foam is best for my home?

Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)
Crawlspace (ceiling and walls of crawlspace)
Basement (unfinished walls and ceiling)
Garages (ceiling of garage…when there is living space above)
Walls (exterior walls) Metal Roofs (underside of roof decking)

Open-Cell Foam
Any non-metal Roof (underside of roof decking
Soundproofing (interior walls, between floors)
Walls (exterior walls)

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