Harry Myers Park: A Gem of Rockwall, TX

Nestled in the heart of Rockwall, Texas, Harry Myers Park stands as a testament to the city’s commitment to outdoor recreation and community engagement. Spanning over 50 acres, this expansive green space offers something for everyone, from picturesque picnic spots to exciting recreational activities. Learn more here.

Natural Beauty and Serenity

One of the park’s most captivating features is its natural beauty. With sprawling green lawns, lush trees, and scenic walking trails, Harry Myers Park provides the perfect backdrop for a stroll or a peaceful afternoon picnic. Visitors can explore the park’s winding paths, admire the tranquil ponds, and marvel at the abundance of native flora and fauna that call this place home. Learn more about Discovering Yellowjacket Park: A Local Gem in Rockwall, TX.

Family-Friendly Amenities

Families flock to Harry Myers Park for its wealth of amenities designed to entertain visitors of all ages. The park boasts multiple playgrounds where children can climb, swing, and slide to their heart’s content. Additionally, picnic pavilions equipped with tables and grills offer the ideal setting for family gatherings, birthday parties, and outdoor celebrations.

Recreational Opportunities

Adventure seekers will find plenty to enjoy at Harry Myers Park. Sports enthusiasts can take advantage of the park’s basketball courts, sand volleyball courts, and horseshoe pits for friendly competition and outdoor fun. Meanwhile, fishing enthusiasts can cast their lines into the park’s stocked ponds in search of bass, catfish, and sunfish.

Dog-Friendly Spaces

Four-legged friends are welcome at Harry Myers Park, thanks to its designated off-leash dog park. Here, dogs can run, romp, and socialize in a safe and enclosed environment, while their owners relax and mingle with fellow pet lovers.

Community Events and Festivities

Throughout the year, Harry Myers Park plays host to a variety of community events and festivities that bring residents together. From outdoor concerts and movie nights to seasonal festivals and holiday celebrations, there’s always something exciting happening at this beloved Rockwall landmark.


With its scenic beauty, family-friendly amenities, recreational opportunities, and vibrant community spirit, Harry Myers Park truly stands out as a gem of Rockwall, TX. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful retreat into nature or a fun-filled day of outdoor adventure, this sprawling park offers endless opportunities for relaxation, recreation, and connection with the great outdoors.

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